Routing number:- 312081089
Where to find on a Check:
You can easily find the routing number. It is the first 9 digit number located on the bottom Left of the check.
How to Wire Funds:
You can send a wire transfer from any GECU full-service branch. To send a wire transfer they must receive your instructions for Domestic Transfers by 11:30 a.m. (MST) and International Transfers by 9:30 a.m. (MST), Monday through Friday. And all wire transfers require a signature by the sender, They will not able to accept wire transfer instructions by telephone.
To send a wire transfer, you need to have following information:
– Receiving institution name, routing number, address and phone number.
– Name, Address and Account number of the individual receiving the wire.
– A valid ID, the amount being sent and the GECU account from which you want the transaction and wire transfer fee debited.
For additional information, call 778.9221 (toll-free at 800.772.4328).