Routing Number – 211489656
Where to find on a Check:
You can easily find the routing number. It is the first 9 digit number located on the bottom Left of the check.
How to Wire Funds:
To wire transfer from your SCU account to your own account at another Financial Institution, you need to call the 24 hour Contact Center at 1-800-936-7730 or 00800-4728-2000 (Overseas).
For a third party wire transfer, a written request via fax or e-mail is required. You need to include the following when sending your request:
- Your full name and member/account number
- The dollar amount that you wish to transfer
- The receiver’s full name and wiring instructions
- Your hand-written signature*
*If you will be sending your request directly from your own military (AKO) e-mail address, your hand-written signature is not required.
What information do I need to send a wire transfer to SCU?
Service Credit Union’s wire transfer instructions are as follows:
- Institution Name: Service Credit Union
- Address: 3003 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801
- Short Name: SERV CU Portsmouth
- Routing (ABA)#: 211489656
You will also need the account holder’s full name and the SCU account number.